Graduate School of OD and Planning
SAIDI Graduate School of OD and Planning offers learning environments both inside and outside of the academic setting. Aside from its core academic programs, SAIDI invites its student community and the public to its blended degree and its webinar program scheduled throughout the year.
While SAIDI is the pioneer and only institution in the Philippines specializing in Organization Development, there are other unique characteristics why SAIDI attracts students and practitioners to enroll and attend its programs.
To provide leaders, practitioners, and executives, with integrative frameworks and tools essentials to face the various issues and concerns challenging organizations today, SAIDI Graduate School of OD and Planning advocates the philosophy that, at the masters and doctoral levels, more than at any other level, learners differ according to innate, ability, rate, interest, achievement, experience and motivation.
Modular approach is an effort to answer the individual needs and requirements at the higher level of education. Each module is also a complete course itself-- mainly acquisitional, experiential, exploratory, and application. One develops his/her Program of Study and Research that draws from multidisciplinary fields and practice providing the learning spacers for one's interests within the guidelines of the degree requirements.
The Master's and Doctoral candidates of SAIDI show an interesting collection of professionals
from a broad spectrum of industries, professional background and experience,
and, with a myriad of reasons for pursuing graduate studies.
If you have assessed your needs, identified your future commitments,
defined your professional goals, capped by an intense passion for learning,
then you may be ready to take on the challenge of applying to a graduate program.
Take your shot at learning, the SAIDI way. Join the SAIDI community!
Continuing education at SAIDI showcases a range of topics that are of prime importance
to give you a winning edge in meeting today’s work demands and satisfying requirements
for career transition and/ or professional development.
Real-world practice is not enough if we are unable to translate efforts towards transformative change.
Closing the gap from our current reality towards our desired reality can be doable when we engage
in continuing learning and training in and out of our academic preparation.